Contact us to become a proud A & A Retailer!
A & A Candy currently does not work with distributors, therefore all sales are direct or through a regional sales representative. Please feel free to contact us about becoming a wholesale customer. Our minimums are low, but we are capable of filling very large orders, as well.
We are also equipped with making your products your "own" with an array of packaging options. Custom twist/wrap paper, custom boxes, and other aspects of private label are very much welcomed!
So, go ahead, fill out our contact form and one of our fine sales reps (and/or family members) will be with you shortly!
If you need immediate assistance, please call us at 410-289-6000 and follow the prompts for A & A Candy Company/Wholesale Orders.
410-289-6000 * * (410)289-5953 (fax)